Monday, July 9, 2007


Didn't winning the Palme d'Or used to mean something? The last "great" movie that won the Plame d'Or in my opinion was probably Dancer in the Dark, though I know as many people who hate that movie as those who love it. L' Enfant the 2005 winner of the Palme d'Or is just &*#*$#(#. Should I continue. The main characters are uninteresting, the ending is horrible, the story doesn't move you at all (perhaps cause you dont' like the characters), parts of the story seem unmotivated, illogical and done for the sole purpose of being "more dramatic", crucial information isn't given in the story, instead leaving it up to the audience to fill in the information since we've seen a few movies in our life time with similiar depressing story lines. If i want to compliment this movie, I guess there were some good scenes of tense emotion that were drawn out through silence and other cinematic aspects. I give this movie a generous 3/10, because I guess someone out there thought it was ok.


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