Monday, June 16, 2008


If you run into anyone who says the movie was too slow, there wasn't enough action or there wasn't enough of a story, then I think they have missed the point. This isn't like any Vietnam movie I have seen before. All this movie is about is people getting captured and trying to escape, yet somehow it leaves out one of the most common things depicted in Vietnam War movies which is the physical torture scenes. Honestly the film doesn't need them and benefits greatly from their omission. Instead Herzog makes you watch something even more painful. We are subjected to watching the main character, played by Christian Bale, disintegrate in front of your eyes. The amount of weight he lost for the Machinist, added for Batman, lost for this and then added again for Batman must be ridiculous. No one should ever have the right to say Bale isn't dedicated to his profession. I give this movie an 7/10, since it certainly won't be everyones cup of tea, though those that can bare it should got lost in the jungle with Herzog and Bale.


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