Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So I know I've seen Die Hard (1988) and who hasn't seen Die Hard: With a Vengenance (1995), that must play every single weekend on at least one channel, but somehow I have missed out on seeing Die Hard 2. After watching it, now I know why. Don't get me wrong, while I maybe a stuck up movie snob I like to think that I still know there is a place for mindless actions films which is why I love Die Hard and Die Hard: With a Vengenance, but there is clearly something lacking in this installment in series. Perhaps its that the cliche characters are even more cliche then normal, the characters stupidity (besides Bruce Willis of course) is even more present then normal or perhaps (and I hate to become the person who always references 9/11 changing everything) in a post-9/11 world its difficult to get as lost and involved in an action movie involving plans falling out of the skies as is required to truly enjoy an action movie the way you are supposed to. I give Die Hard 2 a 5/10


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