Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So I should start of by saying that I'm not really a big Mike Judge fan. While I think Office Space (1999) should be hailed as nothing less then an instant classic, both King of the Hill and Beavis and Butt-Head have never been shows I have got the least bit interested in, but lucky for me Idiocracy isn't animated so I approached the film expecting something with a similar vain of humor as Office Space. I can't really say I got that at all. Idiocracy stars Luke Wilson and is a satire on the stupidity of America. Let's go down to the point, I laughed twice as a courtesy in the movie, maybe. The movie appeared to be some bad Sci-Fi movie that attempted to be really gutsy and not only tackle what the future was going to be like, but also make it satirical. Something the Sci-Fi channel has no rights or talent in accomplishing. As you can guess I would say miss this one. I give Idiocracy a 2/10, since it is probably the worse movie I have seen since Curse of the Golden Flower (2006).


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