Monday, June 16, 2008


Having seen everything Wes Anderson had to throw at me I decided to venture back to his feature film debut. At first glance it may appear like a normal Anderson romp: Luke and/or Owen Wilson CHECK, Quirky and/or dysfunctional characters CHECK, Overhead camera angles, wide shots and slow motion conclusions ALL CHECK. While this may sound like the formula we have become pleasantly used to and content with seeing from Anderson, Bottle Rocket is how to say it, well Anderson's first film. The story seems weak and I really just didn't get into these quirky characters like I normal due. And the laughs really never seemed to come. Then again I probably would have given a similar review to Life Aquatic (2004) after seeing it the first time and now deeply regret everything thing there were faults with that movie. So while I give Bottle Rocket a 5/10, I do so tentatively remembering how his films have surprised me upon a second journey.


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