Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Before anything else is said I should mention this film was beautiful, since there is no getting around praising Gondry for the astounding visuals in this film. The film also has above average acting, good music, Gael Garcia Bernal (which is always a plus) and an interesting romantic storyline. The storyline itself still has me somewhat transfixed, though transfixed may not be the best word. It was an interesting storyline, it kept me interested and didn't really fall into cliches, so I'm not sure what problems I had with it. Simply put there were just parts in this movie that didn't flow well and confused me. While I liked all the characters...I simply was confused by certain aspects of what I thought was the real world, but perhaps I wasn't supposed to view the real world in this movie as a real world and more of a more realistic dream world. Overall I give this movie an 6/10, for taking risks and capturing my dreams.


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