Wednesday, June 20, 2007


(Spoiler Alert, though I don't know why you would want to see this movie)I came into this film with very high expectations. Zhang Yimou's two previous efforts, Hero and House of Flying Daggers were both spectacular films, leaving my mouth watering for this film, especially since the trailer to the movie made it look quite exceptional. Wow was I wrong. Everything that had been done perfect in the other two films, somehow was butchered in this film. The music sucked, the characters were uninteresting, the story felt like I was watching the Spark Notes to the actual story, the color pallette, while probably the only mildly redeeming factor, nauseated me at certain times. And oh lets not forget the CGI in this film which appeared to be out of a poor PS2 game, or the fight scences which didn't come close to the grace and beauty of the two previous films that I have mentioned by Yimou.While watching this film my brother walked in and asked why I was still watching the movie if I hated it so much and I told him because good endings can often save a movie. This film's ending hurt an already horrible film. Did anyone who saw this not laugh when Prince Jai's body is tossed by the enemy soldiers and they say "Throw" and then the golden soldiers but their spears together and say "Catch". Also the very last scene and then the immediate transition to a horendous song. The only glimmer I have after watching this film is that Yimou has always been critized for being a Chinese director that appeals to American's, but not to Chinese people. I can only hope that perhaps this movie hit on some note that is understood in Chinese culture, but that doesn't translate to my Western thinking mind. I give this movie a generous 1/10, one point for the ok fight scenes and occasional good color pallete and one for all the female character's breasts who are almost popping out.


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