Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Up till this point most of the Godard films I have watched have been his early film which while experimental in nature are a lot easier to "get into" then his later politically experimental films. Tout Va Bien is one of those such politically experimental films and one which I had a great deal of difficulty getting into. The movie follows an American woman and French man during the turbulent May 68 Student Revolution and how the revolution impacted a meat factory. The movie moves from moments of sponatneous signing to long drawn out monologues the characters seem to be having either directly with the audience or with the camera itself. At the time this movie was made the audience would have far more background information about the current situation in france then I myself did. Due to this lack of information I immediately fell behind in this movie and quickly lost my way. I give this film a 5/10, since it doesn't reward the viewer enough for all the difficuly.


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