Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Wow was I dissapointed by this. Bland non-existent story line + ridiculous/unrealistic characters + over sexualized situations = crap. I didn't like any of the characters, found very little draw towards any of their acting abilites except for maybe the young kid and just was cringing throughout the film from minute 15. There were perhaps two or maybe three slightly humerous scenes and or moments that actually matered in the film, but how can we realy care about moments that matter when we don't care for the characters at all. How can a movie create a young female charcter that is creating a dowry for her future husband and not explain why she is the way she is and as a male please tell me why two girls never decided to comapre blow job technique on me and when I become a creepy old man will young girls pretend to be lesbian lovers for my amussement. I give this movie a 3/10, since it only cost me 90 minutes of my life.


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