Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Two viewings of this movie and I still have very little to really grasp onto. The facts as they stand now though are that both times I'm really pumped to watch the movie, start to wane after the first hr, lose complete mental functions after the 2nd hr and leave the movie another hr latter hating the movie and having very little brain fuctions left. The next week all I can think about is the movie. If it had been made by any lesser director then David Lynch I would have probably dismissed this movie right off the bat, but based on my history of appreciating Lynch's work I know the man is no joke. This said, I really don't get any of the movie, really none of the movie, but that won't stop me from watching it again and again and eating up the three hrs of bonus features on the DVD. I give this film a 7/10, since no one can terrify you like Lynch can, his images are horrifying.


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