Monday, May 21, 2007


Documentaries are not often my cup of tea and are something I find more difficult to evaluate then narrative films. The film delves into the topic of sexual abuse and the following cover up peformed by the catholic church in reference to one priest in particular, Oliver O'Grady. The film like many documentaries today, shocks and scares, the audience with the horrific truth. Though unlike most documentaries I believe it does do a good job showing both sides of a topic that in the media, would probably only gain one perspective. While the film doesn't glorify what O'Grady has done, it does give him a chance to talk and tell his side of the story and reveals his own troubled childhood with sexual abuse. I give this film an 7/10, since it showed two sides of the argument, but occassionaly dragged and pushed the drama farther than was necessary to communicate the films message.


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